Victims of terrorism of the year the smallest British ...

Or Iranian attack, or the United States of plot

Victims of terrorism of the year the smallest British ... Or Iranian attack, or the United States of the plot. Terrorism experts decipher from the latest information [the possibility of true criminal] In tanker attack incident in the Gulf of Oman Iran off the coast (month and day), claims of the United States and Iran are direct opposition. Insist on [Iran crime theory] the United States from the beginning. Against Iran claims the groundless, it has vigorously condemned the US hostile attitude. Coverage of the country also are divided views about [Who of crime]. Since the subjective [opinion] many, based on the information that has been found at the time of writing, one should first verify the fact, we would like to analyze the possibility to be considered. Fact. Culprit is still Unknown First, conclusive evidence has not come out yet reveal a crime subject. Therefore, the culprit at the moment is [unknown]. Fact. The scene of the crime is [Iran offshore] Geographically closest country, Iran. Next Oman, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia continues.
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